Sales Inquiry
Sales Inquiry
Organizations were once thought to serve private interests till it became clear that serving very limited interests meant low productivity and an even lower standards of living. This brought about a change in mind-sets that “what goes around, comes around”. A law by the Indian Parliament also bolstered the mind-set that companies ought to think beyond their immediate earnings to serve the society where it functioned. This is leading to the creation of happy, productive societies with higher standards of living.
Taural India was never an exception to this rule born as it was of a feeling of responsibility towards the nation and its people. It’s towards their wellbeing and growth that Taural India has focused its energies in varied well-meaning ways.
It includes securing lives in tough and challenging times.
One such event was the floods of 2019 that inundated the cities of Sangli and Kolhapur and destroyed people’s lives and homes.
Among those affected were also Taural India’s employees and their extended families. To bring much needed succour, Taural India's
CSR initiatives saw the distribution of essential foodstuffs in kits that numbered close to 200. Besides, close to 100 school kits,
including school bags were also distributed.,