Fettling & shot Blasting

The most individual work within the process chain takes place in the fettling shop and is 100 % manual. This also makes it the most demanding job.

Due to this, we put a lot of effort into optimizing the workplace environment for those involved in this procedure.

In the fettling shop the castings attain their required surface finish and profile dimensions.

  • Shot blasting enhances the surface structure of the part and remove any prevailing surface stress concentration.This will also aid in enhancing the overall fatigue strength and the surface hardness of the part.
  • Another great benefit of shot blasting in aluminum casting parts is that it can considerably enhance the overall cosmetic appearance.
  • Improves the durability and longevity of the part.
  • Shot blasting can cause an increase in the surface area of the part due to the raising of the roughness.
  • Eliminates surface dirt better that will significantly improve the adhesion properties of the surface.
  • Shot blasting in aluminum casting parts is that it can considerably enhance the overall cosmetic appearance.